Horizontal or Vertical PDUs, upgraded internally to a 32A rating.

In areas of mass power usage such as data centres and comms rooms, 32A power feeds are often utilised.

32A PDUs are an upgraded version of the product designed for up to 16A, using 4mm cable externally and 2.5mm internally wired as a 'ring'.

The 32A PDUs can handle double the power input of the standard PDU.

All 32A PDUs are terminated with a 3 pin 32A IP44 commando plug.

32A PDUs have a neon power-on indicator in place of a switch. A 4mm input cable is used, as well as an internal 2.5mm wiring ring, to achieve a 32A rating


  • £49.00


  • £0.00
  • £58.80 £0.00 (Incl VAT)

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